
Patients with intra-articular pathology usually have pain in the groin. Surface anatomy for anterior structures is best appreciated with the patient standing and surface anatomy for posterior and lateral structures with the patient lying on their side with their hip flexed. It is important to palpate specific structures. The point of maximal tenderness should be correlated with the underlying bone or soft tissue anatomy. Palpate and note tenderness over the anterior superior iliac spines (ASIS), iliac crest, iliac tubercles, greater trochanter, and pubic tubercles with the patient standing. Palpate the posterior superior iliac spines (just below the dimples of Venus), greater trochanter, ischial tuberosity, and SI joint region with the patient lying in sidelying with their hip flexed. Palpate along the course and attachment of ligaments and tendons. Palpate for inguinal lymph nodes.

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